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Thursday 29 January 2015

Blog Contribution

From time to time, I might ask you to make a contribution to this blog.  If I do, read this to help you.

I have given you a small topic or question and your task is to access this blog and make a contribution in response.  Rule 1 ... do not panic ... you will be fine.  Try to think of an innovative or unusual way to respond.  Yes, that can be difficult in accounting.  If you cannot think of anything innovative, go bland.  Can you use a graphic?  Can you make up an exericse as an illustration?  Can you do the contribution in another program and then link it to the blog?  A video perhaps?  A podcast?  Please ... no PowerPoints but Prezi is OK.  A script?  MacRobians are good at thinking of interesting things.  Short and sharp is better than long and boring. The audience is the Accounting Class of 2015 ... and me.  The students doing unit Accounting 1/2 will also have access.
You may have to remind me to include you on the blog as an owner.  If I can blog, so can you.
Thank you for helping the group.

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