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Tuesday 30 June 2015

Loss on disposal of a non current asset (NCA)

How are you going with the holiday homework?

Lesson 1

The first section is about selling a NCA for cash and making a loss.  What does this mean?

On 1/7/15 (today) the business sells its old boardroom table (NCA) for $200. (no GST on the sale in the VCE study design).

This $200 would be recorded in the Cash Receipts Journal.  Under 'Details' would be 'Disposal of Boardroom table'. The $200 would be recorded in 'Bank' and 'Sundry'.  Remember ... no GST. This would be posted at the end of the month to the Disposal of Boardroom Table ledger account.

On the date of the disposal (or sale), the carrying-value was $400.  (Remember that the carrying-value is historical cost, $3000, less accumulated depreciation $2600.)  This means the business received $200 less than the carrying-value ... this is a loss on the disposal of the boardroom table.

We have to 'zero' the Boardroom Table ledger account so credit it with the historical cost of the boardroom table.
General Journal:
Dr:  Disposal of Boardroom table $3000
Cr:  Boardroom table $3000

We also have to 'zero' the Accumulated Depreciation Boardroom Table ledger account so debit it with this value.
General Journal:
Dr:  Accumulated depreciation boardroom table $2600
Cr:  Disposal of Boardroom table $2600

The Disposal of Boardroom Table account has now 'collected' the historical cost, $3000, and the accumulated depreciation, $2600.  So we can easily determine the carrying-value of $400.  The credit side of this account will also 'collect' the cash proceeds of the sale, $200, using the cross-reference, 'Bank'. Now complete the account.  This means 'find the balance of $200 on the credit side (so both sides add up to the same value, $3000).  This $200 'balance' is the loss on disposal of the boardroom table since the proceeds of sale, $200 was $200 less than the carrying-value of $400.  Thus the corresponding debit entry goes to 'Loss on Disposal of Boardroom Table'.  This account is an expense and will be reported under 'Other Expenses' in the Income Statement.

The loss on disposal is recorded in the General Journal:
Dr:  Loss on disposal of Boardroom Table $200
Cr:  Disposal of Boardroom Table $200

Why is this ledger (Loss on Disposal of Boardroom Table) an expense?
Because it fits the definition of an expense!  An expense is a ... decrease in an asset .... etc.  The net change in assets due to this transaction is a decrease of $200.  This is due to an increase of $200 due to cash and a decrease of $400 due to the carrying-value, thus a net decrease of $200.


Cash Flow Statement
The $200 received is reported in the Investing Activities section of the Cash Flow Statement as Proceeds of Disposal Boardroom Table.

Income Statement
The loss on disposal boardroom table is reported as an expense under 'Other Expenses' in the Income Statement.

Balance Sheet
There is no boardroom table now!  
Thus assets have decreased by $400 (the carrying-value) and increased by $200 cash ... a net decrease of $200.
No impact.
Owner's equity:
Decrease of $200 due to Loss on Disposal of Boardroom Table.

What caused the $200 loss on disposal of boardroom table?

If that was an exam question ... here is the answer!

The proceeds of disposal, $200 (the market-value), was less than the carrying-value of the non current asset, $400.
The boardroom table was under-depreciated over its useful life due to over estimating the scrap value and/or the estimated useful life of the boardroom table.  (remember that)

... stay tuned during the holidays for the next parts of this holiday homework topic.

Monday 22 June 2015

Term 2 holidays ...

What should you do in the holidays?

It is important that you get lots of rest and freshen-up after a long, long term 2.  Spend quality time with friends and family but take some time to plan your work tasks as well.  Jot down these plans.  It is important to see your commitments in writing even if they are just dot points.  As far as Accounting goes ...

1.  Ensure you have done most of chapters 13 & 14.
2.  Quia quiz on returns
3.  Holiday Homework booklet.  The topic is Disposal of non current assets (NCAs).
That is, what happens when the business sells a NCA for cash and, later, what happens if the business trades an old NCA in on a new one? This will take you a good morning or afternoon session.  Why not get a friend or two and do this task together! 2 or 3 brains makes the work easier.  Of course you need access to the resources on NEO:  videos, solutions and (optional) podcasts.  There are Quia quizzes on this topic as well.  Do these last.  If you think you need extra work on this topic, try some Nano Exams that include this topic.  Do not wait until the last Sunday of the holidays to do this topic!

Email me during the holidays if you need help.

4.  Optional.  How did you go on SAC3 and/or the Mid Year Exam?  If you did not go as well as you planned, why not re-do them to improve your skill and confidence level.  They are on NEO with the solutions.

As you start your term 2 holidays know that there is only 12 school weeks left when you return.  Those weeks will go very quickly.  Make the most of your opportunities.

Thursday 18 June 2015

Accountants and Ethics ...

This is an interesting article about the role of accountants.

Money and wealth does not buy you class!

This is Donald Trump, a well known American billionaire, who is going to be a candidate for the US Presidency in 2016.  He made his billions in Real Estate.  Many commentators think he is arrogant and lacks class, possibly caused by being surrounded by sycophants  for most of his life.  So what?  Some of you will end up as CEOs and have other leadership positions and some of you will become wealthy.  Good luck to you.  But still be kind and respectful to those around you. Talk to the cleaner with the same respect you speak to the Prime Minister. Not everyone has had the same opportunities as you along the way.  Wealth does not equal class.

Wednesday 17 June 2015

Sacked ...

This is the CEO of Woolworths who has just been sacked.  Reason?  Poor decision making, such as the idea to create "Masters" as a competitor to Bunnings, which has led to poor business performance. Business is tough.  Performance is everything.  If the KPIs are bad ... those responsible often have to pay the hard way ... with their jobs!

Mid Year Exam SAC ...

Thank you to the group for undertaking the mid year exam SAC without too much fuss or bother.  Hopefully, you now better appreciate what you will confront on November 6th.  2.25 hours is a long time to sit in one position!  My aim is to have those exams back to you before the end of term.

Tuesday 16 June 2015

VCE Expo ...

Thanks to Faith, Karen, Ravali and Ivy for helping out at the recent VCE Expo!
Georgie turned up as well!

Thursday 11 June 2015

The Economist appoints female editor ...

The Economist is, perhaps, the most respected newspaper/magazine on business related issues in the world.  Big statement.  And it has just appointed a new editor ... its first female editor.  This is a most prestigous position.  Check out the links below for more info.


Link to The Economist

Interview with Zanny Minton Beddoes  (podcast)

Tuesday 2 June 2015

End of Unit 3 ...

Dear team
We have effectively finished unit 3 ... hooray!  Half of the course is done, half to go.

  • SAC3 is Tuesday 9th June.  60 minutes + reading time.  Red class to start at 8.00 am ... see me if that is impossible.
  • Mid Year Exam SAC is Wednesday 17th June.  2 hours + reading time.

I am very optimistic about the Accounting Class of 2015.  Our preparation leading up to SAC3 next Tuesday has been very good.  We have covered all the material for SAC3 as well as the mid year Exam SAC. So what should you do now?

  • Do the Nano SACs for Outcome 2. I have emailed them to you and they are also on NEO.
  • These Nano's look and feel like actual assessment tasks and they follow the same order that we have covered Outcome 2 in class.  There are 17 Nanos which represent a huge load!
  • Red book #2 which we will do in class.  Do not peek!
  • Past SACs on NEO.  Start at 2014 and work backwards.  I would only do 2014 & 2013 since they represent the latest course.
  • Exercises in the booklets:  12.1 to 12.4.  Way too many exercises in these booklets so do not stress if you do not do them all.
  • Those introductory BDA exercises (1 to 8).  We have done some in class.  Do the last few which are at a high standard.

Monday 1 June 2015

Kim talks Cadetships ...

Kim Fung, Class of 2014 and Accounting Cadet, shares her knowledge with some of the team from 2015.  Thanks Kim!