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Tuesday 28 April 2015

Cash Flow Statements ...

Please watch this role play video on Cash Flow Statements!
Saduni and Pauline from the Class of 2014.

From now on, we have to prepare classified Cash Flow Statements!  No more simple cash receipts less cash payments.  

The cash flows of the business are categorised into operating activities (day-to-day cash flows), investing activities (think NCAs) and financing activities (think cash flows to do with the owner and loans and loan repayments ... but not interest.)

For each category, the inflows must come first (in no particular order) and the outflows second (in no particular order) which must be shown in (brackets).

You  must show a net figure for each category and then a total net change as well.  Add this to the cash at start and you get cash at end ... the last figure in the report.

The most common error made by students is to include non cash items.  The question often tempts you to do this.
Remember that 4 letter word CASH. Say that again ... CASH.  Say that again ... CASH.  

When reporting debtor receipts as an operating activity inflow, ensure you extract the discount expense since discount is a non cash item.  When reporting creditor payments, extract the discount revenue since this is also a non cash item.

Do not include items such as credit sales, credit purchases, cost of sales, bad debts, stock loss, stock gain, depreciation, accrued expenses etc.  Why ... these are non cash items!

Friday 24 April 2015

YouTube Channel for the Institute of Chartered Accountants

This YouTube Channel provides lots of interesting info for students interested in Accounting/Business courses post school.

PS:  Accountants do not spend their time doing manual double entry accounting!!!  VCE Accounting is not indicative of what an accountant does.

Accounting is a people orientated profession.  They work with their clients (people) to learn about how that business operates and they then use their skills and experience to advise how to improve performance.  Businesses are people, not bricks and mortar.

SAC2 next week

The SAC is done on the computer.  60 minutes.  10 minutes reading time.
At the end of the SAC, you email me the file using Gmail.
You do not leave the room until I confirm that I have received your file.

Blue Class:  Thursday period 2.  We might have to use 5 minutes of recess as well.

Yellow Class:  Thursday period 4.  Get to class before the normal start time please.

Red Class:  Friday period 3.  

Test 1 of the Red Book ... 10 more to go!

Thursday 23 April 2015

Closing entries ...

Can you remember Speech Night 2014?  That was (sort of) the end of the school's reporting period.  It completed or closed official business for 2014.  It included, for example, the duxes of 2014 which were Lorah and Natalie (they were both in school today and talking about university ...  I was lucky to work with both of them).  We would not want to get them confused with the duxes of 2013 or 2015 so Speech Night (closing entries) ensures that each year (reporting period) is separate and discrete.  Having Speech Night 2014 enabled 2015 to start afresh.  To start at zero. To ensure that only the prizes etc relevant to 2015 are now counted in this new year (reporting period) and they are not confused or mixed up with the previous year. So 2015 only contains relevant information to 2015.  Send in a better analogy please.

Learning the bookkeeping skills for closing entries in class.

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Friday 17 April 2015

Next week ...

Next week is our last week of SAC preparation.  I have lots of practice tasks for you to do in class and NEO has lots more!  I am optimistic that this group is going to do well.  Use your time effectively next week and you should go into SAC2 with confidence.  It is essential that we start Outcome 2 either last period next week or 1st period the following week.  There is never enough time at 3/4 ... this is a problem shared by all VCE students ... so when I say we have to move on ... we have to move on!  Will you cope?  Of course.

Please get this book!

I want to use the Practice Exams book (the Red Book) next week, thus could you please arrange for your parents to pay for this on Compass.  It is $16.50.  Or you can pay at the General Office.  Once paid, collect the book from me in the Senior School Office. It is an important part of our preparation program in 2015.

Preparing for SAC 2 ...

SAC 2 is in week 3, term 2.  Preparation has started.

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Who is this?

In the cabinet of the Federal Government, there are only 2 female ministers:  this is one of them.   Who is she?  What is her role?  What is her background?  

The Treasurer at the New York Stock Exchange recently ...

That is Joe Hockey, Federal Treasurer (in front of Aussie Flag) at the NY Stock  Exchange this week. Because he is Treasurer, he is also the minister in charge of the ATO.

Tuesday 14 April 2015

NSW Treasurer ...

Gladys Berejiklian is the Treasurer of NSW.


You cannot follow her ambition ...

Hillary Clinton has just announced she is a candidate for the presidency of the USA.  The election is not until November 2016!!!  To be a candidate for this role, you have to be born in America.  It will be interesting to watch her progress over the next 18 months as she attempts be become the first female President of the United States.

Move into the 'stretch zone' ...

Check out this diagram.  It was presented to staff on Monday April 13th at MHS.
Most of us like to work in the comfort zone for obvious reasons ... it is comfortable!  However, to improve our performance, we need to move into the stretch zone and sometimes the stress zone to extend and push ourselves.

When is the last time you moved out of your comfort zone?

Friday 10 April 2015

Tax minimisation ...

Who is this successful person?  Christine Milne ...  leader of the Australian Greens.

There has been lots of media coverage lately of how much tax companies, such as Google, Apple and Microsoft pay in Australia. Of course, they all use the services of accountants and lawyers in their aim to reduce their tax liability.  Some of you will be CEOs, accountants and lawyers in the future.  Will you just go for tax minimisation or perhaps take a more ethical position?  Hard call.  Time will tell.

Here is a relevant article.

And more ...

Do you know who this person is?

More on her ...

She is Maile Carnegie, MD (Managing Director) of Google Australia and New Zealand.  Great job.  She has been involved in the recent tax debate.  Have you seen her in the media?  How would you handle this difficult issue?

Wednesday 8 April 2015

Accounting for creditors ...

Let's consider the new recording and reporting in relation to creditors

1.  Recording

Document.  The documentary evidence of a credit purchase is an Invoice.
Stock card.  Same as cash purchase but use Invoice in the details column not Cheque.
Journals.  Use Purchases Journal (or Credit Purchases Journal) for creditor invoices.
Creditor payments:  The Cash Payments Journal will include a Creditor or Creditors Control column.  This will record cash paid to the creditor plus any discount revenue that the creditor offered and the business took advantage of.  There will also be a discount revenue column to record the discount revenue taken by the business.  This discount column, is a non cash item. Discount revenue is cash that was not paid.  Remember that!
General Ledger.  Will include Creditors Control ledger account which is a summary of all creditor transactions.  Think summary or total account for creditors.
Debits will be Bank/Discount Revenue.
Credits will be opening balance and Stock Control/GST Clearing.
Creditors Control is a key account so remember these debits and credits.
The Trial Balance will include Creditors Control.
Creditors Subsidiary Ledger.  This is a ledger just for individual creditors.  Remember to use the specific date of the transaction in the CSL.
Creditors Schedule.  This shows the individual creditor balances and the total which should equal the balance in the Creditors Control Account.

2.  Reporting

Cash Flow Statement.  Payments will include creditor payments.  This will be the total of the Creditors column in the CPJ less any discount revenue.  Remember that!
Income Statement.  
'Other revenue' will usually include Discount Revenue.  That's it!
Balance Sheet.  Creditors will be reported as current liabilities as they represent a current obligation that will lead to a future outflow that will be paid by the business within 12 months (usually 30 days).